Terms & Conditions

Terms & conditions

  1. Personal Declaration and Acceptance
    • I submit this application for a Loan product at Ocean Keys Financial Services and declare that all information (including any documents) I have given in connection with this application, is correct, complete and not misleading.
    • I understand that if false or inaccurate information is provided and fraud is identified or suspected, my details may be passed on to fraud investigation agencies.

I authorized the Ocean Keys Financial Services to make any enquiries it may deem necessary for confirmation of the information contained in this application and for the purpose of credit assessment. This includes obtaining information from credit reference agencies and from my employers if required at the discretion of the Ocean Keys Financial Services.

  • I understand that this is a loan application and not a guarantee that the loan will be granted. I also understand that the Ocean Keys Financial Services may, at its discretion, approve or decline this application.
  • I understand that any approval of this application will not constitute an agreement to make a loan or provide any other credit and will not bind either me or the Ocean Keys Financial Services to enter into any such agreement.
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